Last blog post D:
Sadly, this will be the last blog post i'll be writing for this class. I'm not going to lie, when I first signed up for this class I wasn't expecting it to go the way it did. Firstly, I didn't do much research as to what the course content was, I just knew it would fill my final lit requirement. I honestly thought this course had to be something actually related to romance, or what we refer to as romance nowadays. Boy, was I wrong. That being said, I am in no way disappointed with the outcome of this course. This will definitely land somewhere in my top 10 list for favourite courses! Although the "novel a week" idea seemed extremely intimidating at first, i found it to be much more manageable than I initially thought. Being able to pick what grade i wanted depending on the amount of work I was willing to do, really took a huge weight off of my shoulders. On top of that, I genuinely enjoyed most of the books we read too! Some of them were a little difficult to pickup, or follow but for the most part, reading didn't even seem like homework. I'd have to say my favourite was Agostino; a very easy and engaging read! Another thing I really enjoyed about the course, was writing our blogs. I really liked being able to give my honest opinion without fear of losing marks.
Anyway, I had loads of fun in this class and it was really nice to be able to meet you all in person, thank you for reading! :))
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